
SQM publishes new version of Sustainability Report highlighting social, environmental and governance milestones

SQM publishes new version of Sustainability Report highlighting social, environmental and governance milestones

The new version of the document demonstrates the company's progress in production, environmental matters, and engagement with communities, individuals and employees, among others.

In northern Chile, more specifically in the Antofagasta and Tarapacá regions, SQM is developing mining with steady progress towards sustainability, through its five world-leading business lines: Iodine, lithium, potassium, industrial chemicals and specialty plant nutrition; with commercial offices in more than twenty countries and product distribution to nearly 110 nations.

The new report confirms total revenue of ThUS$10,710,578 during 2022, positioning the company as a leader in the global lithium, iodine and potassium nitrate markets.

Its products are intended to improve quality of life, which is the company’s objective in all markets in which it participates: health, food, electromobility and clean energy production. These results speak to the work of the entire team at SQM, from executives to professionals, workers, suppliers and the surrounding ecosystem.

The report also represents the breadth of work carried out in sustainability matters over the last year, continuously in harmony with neighboring communities. “We want to continue contributing to community development, talking and working together, and always incorporating our values of excellence, safety, integrity and sustainability. This is the path for growth we have chosen and that we believe will aid us in moving forward into the future as an innovative, successful company which contributes to social and human development in a relevant way,” commented Pablo Pisani, Director of Communities and Public Affairs for SQM’s Nitrate and Iodine businesses.


The successful public-private alliance between SQM and CORFO has yielded important results for national development, allowing SQM to inject over US$5 billion into the State of Chile, along with important contributions for regional and local government and neighboring communities. With these stakeholders, it has put together innovative development projects, helping to improve quality of life, respecting self-determination and a collaborative vision of growth.

Regarding the environment, the company has reaffirmed its commitment to reducing brine extraction by 50% by the year 2028, a process which began in November 2020. In addition to reducing inland water consumption by 40% by 2030 and 65% by 2040, it maintains the conviction of becoming carbon neutral in all its products by 2040 and reducing waste by 50% by 2025.

In social matters, the company reported a direct investment of US$17,924,772, distributed between social development, cultural and historical heritage, education and culture, and community wellbeing, health and safety. This investment translates into 37 working groups and relationships with communities and multi-sector collaborative bodies, in addition to 178 partnerships with national institutions, foundations and corporations.

“Our work with communities, municipalities, NGOs and various social actors is fundamental in advancing towards a more just society and equitable territorial development. SQM aims to work with people and the environment on initiatives that favor this growth and allow new opportunities for this and future generations,” added Pablo Pisani.

In the area of human capital, SQM leads in innovation and diversity with 20% female employees, 30% of whom are executives. Regarding the company’s goals and commitment in this area, it is working to reach 25% by 2025.

In this regard, Barbara Blümel, SQM’s Deputy Manager of Talent Attraction and Diversity, said that “as a company we are clearly convinced that a sustained increase in female staff goes hand in hand with work-life balance. This conviction explains why we have made progress, for example, in certification under Standard 3262 for Gender Equality and Work-Life Balance, a process to which we voluntarily adhered in our corporate building in Santiago. We hope to continue advancing in other processes that allow us to balance the playing field in the industry”.

The 2022 version of SQM’s Sustainability Report is available at It was developed, for the thirteenth consecutive year, using Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) principles, incorporating information in response to the Global Compact Communication on Progress (COP).

The report is an important exercise in transparency and management, and which aids in managing actions and engaging with stakeholders; for the fourth consecutive year, the company has requested external report verification, in accordance with new international standards and internal goals.