
Acción Empresas leads Clean Production Agreement aimed at accelerating circularity in companies

Acción Empresas leads Clean Production Agreement aimed at accelerating circularity in companies

“Transition toward a circular economy” is the name of the second Clean Production Agreement (CPA) put forward by the business organization jointly with the Chilean Agency of Sustainability and Climate Change (ASCC).

“Transition toward a circular economy” is the name of the second Clean Production Agreement (CPA) put forward by the business organization jointly with the Chilean Agency of Sustainability and Climate Change (ASCC). To date, this public-private program has attracted 26 companies operating in Chile.

In the midst of the climate crisis, for long-term resilience it is essential to attain economic reactivation with a commitment to the environment. However, ensuring sustainable processes not only requires efficient and responsible use of resources but also coordinated, collaborative effort from all social stakeholders.  With this backdrop, Acción Empresas is leading its second Clean Production Agreement (CPA), entitled “Transition toward a circular economy.”

This public-private agreement, sponsored by the Chilean Agency of Sustainability and Climate Change (ASCC), now joined by CORFO and the Environment and Health ministries, seeks to provide learning opportunities to accelerate production services and workflows that enable circularity. Fifty-five facilities representing 26 companies are participating in this two-year program.

Acción’s corporate members include: SQM, Aceros AZA, AES Andes, Agrosuper, Aguas Antofagasta, Banco Santander, Cementos Bío Bío, Chilexpress, CMPC, Colbun, Cristalerías de Chile, Dimerc, Empresas Melon, Fundición Talleres Ltda, Gasco, Grupo Komatsu Cummins, Grupo Polpaico, Masisa, Metro, SMU and Statkraft Chile. Other members include: Compañías CIC, Esbbio, Rosen, Virutex Ilko/Mamut and Volta.

“Today, as humanity faces great challenges, companies have a key role to play in moving us towards a sustainable future. Measuring the impacts of company operations is crucial for managing risks, improving processes, securing resources and redesigning products to enable circularity in the flows of materials, water and energy. Doing so will open up infinite possibilities for innovation and facilitate the creation of comprehensive solutions. Certainly, incorporating a circular economy translates into a reduction in costs and greenhouse gas emissions and a stronger supply chain,” comments Marcela Bravo, Acción CEO.

This CPA, which falls under Acción’s “Circular Economy” line, includes not only specific goals, actions and commitments, but also an international tool from the World Business Council for Sustainable Develoment (WBCSD). Acción represents Chile on the council, which will guide and train companies on the path to circularity. This is the second CPA led by Acción Empresas, and comes after the successful, unprecedented first experience in which 42 companies were certified under the “Zero Waste to Landfill” CPA.

Its outcomes included a notable 27.1% increase in recovery of solid waste and a 17.4% decrease in waste sent to the landfill between 2018 and 2020. Complete information about the CPA “Transition toward a circular economy” can be found at the following link: